Chairman and President


Kuniharu Nakamura
Director, Special Adviser,
Sumitomo Corporation

I assumed the post of chairman in March 2024. Since the Foundation's establishment in 1996, in close cooperation with the Ministry of Justice, JICA, and other related organizations, we have been actively participating in and cooperating with support projects for Asian countries, such as the improvement of legal systems, the establishment of means of dispute resolution, and the training of legal personnel, from our standpoint in the private sector. The environment surrounding our legal development support has been changed significantly through the economic development of the countries concerned, progress in the development of their legal and judicial systems, and other relevant changes. Through addressing the changing circumstances, the Foundation will provide cooperation and support accordingly. We would like to ask for your ongoing understanding and support.


Kotaro Ohno
Former Vice-Minister of Justice and Attorney General

I assumed the post of president in June 2017. In the increasingly globalized world, the exchange of people, goods, and information has become quicker and wider. While their movement has produced immeasurable affluence, it has been pointed out that the movement has brought about widened regional gap between the rich and the poor as well as a deteriorating global environment. In order for Asian countries to attain balanced development to benefit each other, it is important to improve functions to prevent and resolve disputes as we verify common-law principles and rules. The purpose of the Foundation is to be active in contributing to the exchange of information, the support for the development of laws, and human resource nurturing and training as basic conditions therefor. Support and cooperation from many relevant persons would be appreciated.